【营员随笔】Unforgettable UCAS——王子旋(河南)

  • 王子旋 (营员来稿)
  • 创建于 2018-07-27
  • 2919

  This is a day that I will remember forever.

  Before the dawn began I together with my friends got up with the purpose

  of arriving at the students’ cafeteria as soon as possible.

  There lie a tons of fascinating activities in wait for us. However what attracted

  me most is the visit to Institute of mathematics and system science, Chinese academy of sciences.

  The lecture given by the professor was amazing. He gave us a brief introduction of Math, including

  some typical operational research problems, which really inspired my interest in math.


  In addition, we went to see some microscopes in nano tech. Not only can we build our interests in nano tech, but we can also experience the revolutionary development in our science: big enough to explore the universe; small enough to capture hydrogen bond between molecules.

  As the dusk arrived, we listened to a wonderful lecture.

  The professor showed us a structure of life and gave us several practical

  suggestions which can actually benefit our life.

  This is truly an awesome day.

  End with a poem:

       On the brightest day, at the darkest night,

       We saw UCAS, its brilliant sight.

       Heading to the city, witnessed Math’s might.

       The lecture at night set my light!
