9月10日:高能所科技创新论坛(第171期)Towards the origin?

  • 林国明 (高能物理研究所)
  • 创建于 2012-08-14
  • 621



报告题目:Towards the origin?

报 告 人:Daniel Treille

主 持 人:陈和生 

时 间:2012年9月10(周一)上午10:00

地 点:高能所主楼C305会议室


The young expanding Universe, at its first moments, went through a series of transitions which shaped its present structure. Our understanding of these phases comes from direct observation of the Cosmos, using various messengers from the past. It also comes from experiments performed at colliders, allowing to re-create at small scale the physics which prevailed at a given time in the evolution of the Universe. Facts are reasonably well established until the first picosecond (10**-12 s). At shorter times one needs to extrapolate within various models, and hypotheses replace certainties, in particular concerning the short win of matter over antimatter. The present status of our understanding will be reviewed. Special attention will be given to results from the LHC collider including the recently announced discovery of a new particle, as well as to recent advances in neutrino physics.



Professor Felicitas Pauss received her PhD degree in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics at the University of Graz (Austria) in 1976. In 1978 she started to work as a postdoc at the Max-Planck Institute (MPI) in Munich (Germany) where she changed to the field of Experimental Particle Physics. She continued her research at Cornell University (USA) and CERN before she was elected professor at ETH Zurich in 1993. From 1997 till 2007 she was the director of the Institute for Particle Physics of ETH Zurich. Since January 2009 she is in charge of coordinating CERN’s external relations. Daniel Treille is a senior physicist at CERN and a former spokesman of the DELPHI experiment.

