信息学院:5月29日举办“The Road to a Ph.D”讲座

  • 信息科学与工程学院 (信息科学与工程学院)
  • 创建于 2007-05-25
  • 1499
讲座时间:2007年5月29日 下午2:30 讲座地点:中关村研究生院S104 主办单位:研究生院信息学院、中科院计算所研究生部联合举办 The Road to a Ph.D Abstract In this talk, I would like to introduce insights into strategies for how to have more energy, be more efficient, and be more relaxed, and get a lot more accomplished on the road to a PhD. Specifically, I will share my experience about some of the misperception that many Chinese students have during their PhD study in USA. In particular, I will discuss issues, such as “How to be a self-motivated student?”, “What is the right attitude for PhD study?”, “How to be balanced between work and life?”, “How important are communication skills?”, “How to do conflict management?”, “How to do time management?”, “How important are marketing skills?”, What is the difference between leadership and management?”, “How to build and maintain relationships?”, “What are publication strategies?”, and “How to write good research papers?”. Brief Biography of Professor Hui Xiong Hui Xiong is currently an Assistant Professor in the Management Science and Information Systems Department at Rutgers - the State University of New Jersey, USA. He received the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Minnesota, USA, in 2005, the B.E. degree in Automation from the University of Science and Technology of China, and the M.S. degree in Computer Science from the National University of Singapore. His research interests include data mining, spatial databases, statistical computing, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) with applications in business, database security, self-managing systems, and bio-medical informatics. He has published over 30 papers in the refereed journals and conference proceedings, such as IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, VLDB Journal, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Journal, ACM SIGKDD, SIAM SDM, IEEE ICDM, ACM CIKM, ACM GIS, and PSB. He is the co-editor of the book entitled "Clustering and Information Retrieval", the author of a monograph entitled "Hyperclique pattern discovery: Algorithms and applications", and the co-Editor-in-Chief of Encyclopedia of Geographical Information Science. He has also served on the organization committees and the program committees of a number of conferences, such as ACM SIGKDD, SIAM SDM, IEEE ICDM, IEEE ICTAI, ACM CIKM, and IEEE ICDE. Dr. Xiong is a member of the IEEE Computer Society, the ACM, and the Sigma Xi.