
  • 生态中心 (生态环境研究中心)
  • 创建于 2009-09-02
  • 2142
荣誉获得者:John P. Giesy, Ph.D.
Professor & Canada Research Chair in Environmental Toxicology
Dept. Veterinary Biomedical Sciences University of Saskatchewan,Canada
爱因斯坦讲席教授报告题目:Endocrine disruptor mechanisms and screening: Beyond receptor binding
Professor Giesy is Professor and Canada Research Chair at the University of Saskatchewan where he is a faculty member in the Dept. of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences and on the Faculty of the Toxicology Centre and Professor of Zoology Emeritus at Michigan State University.  Prof. Giesy considers him self an environmental toxicologist with interests in many aspects of this field, including both the fates and effects of potentially toxic compounds and elements, particularly in the area of ecological risk assessment, aquatic toxicology, wildlife and avian toxicology.
Professor Giesy has published 687 books and peer‑reviewed articles and 1,134 lectures, world‑wide.  Three times, (1997 & 1999, 2002) a paper on which he was a co-author has been selected as the best paper published in Environ. Toxicol. & Chem.  In 2001, a paper he co-authored on probabilistic risk assessments was selected as the best paper by Human and Environmental Risk Assessment. Two of his books Microcosms in Ecological Research and Sediments: The Chemistry and Toxicology of In-Place Pollutants have become classics. One of his papers is the 4th most cited paper ever published in Envir. Sci. Technol.  Prof. Giesy is a highly cited author with an h-index of 55.  He is among the top 0.01% of active authors (ISI) and the 2nd most cited author in Ecology/Environmental Sciences (1997-2007) in the world, with more than 12,437 citations to the 460 documents considered in the bibliometric analysis.
Prof. Giesy has received a number of distinctions and awards including:  In 1990 he was the recipient of the Sigma Xi Meritorious Research Award.  In 1993 he received the title of Distinguished Professor from Michigan State University.  Prof. Giesy is also the recipient of the Chevron Distinguished Lectureship Award for his research on the toxic effects of environmental contaminants on wildlife and the CIBA‑GEIGY Agricultural Recognition Award for his work on microcosms and pesticides and the Willard F. Shepard Award from the Michigan Water Pollution Control Assoc.  In 1994 Prof. Giesy received the prestigious Vollenweider Medal for Aquatic Sciences from the National Water Research Institute of Canada for his work on contaminants in the North American Great Lakes.  In 1995 Dr. Giesy received the Founders Award, which is the highest award given by the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry for continued excellence in research and education.  In 2002 he received the SETAC/Menzie-Curra Environmental Education Award from for his many activities in environmental education, including hi undergraduate and graduate training.  Dr. Giesy was selected as the International Man of the Year-Environmental Toxicology in 1993 and received the QUINTESSENCE Award: Excellence in Environmental Contamination & Toxicology for a paper published in 1994.  Prof. Giesy received the Distinguished Alumni Award from Alma College in 1996.  In 2003 Prof. Giesy received the Sir E.W. Russell Award in the Sciences from the British Soil Science Society.  In 2009 Prof. Giesy received the Einstein Professor Award from the Chinese Academy of Sciences
Prof. Giesy has been active in sharing his knowledge and helping researchers in other parts in the world such as in Asia, and is also well known in China for actively helping many Chinese research laboratories with constructive guidance and assistance and has trained my graduate students and post docs from China in his laboratories in the USA and Canada. His Research team has a strong research cooperation with RCEES.



