

题目二  中国古代酿酒技艺初论






    主 办:中国科学院北京分院

    承 办:中国科学院研究生院




    主 持 人:北京电视台主持人崔雪蕊





在刚刚分享了由中央民族乐团艺术家带来的民族音乐艺术盛餐之后,研究生院莘莘学子又将有幸品尝另一道独具风味的西洋艺术大菜。在国内外音乐界享有盛誉的中央音乐学院应邀派出青年演出团来校为广大师生倾情举办“欧美风情”西洋经典名曲鉴赏音乐会,从而再度拉开高雅艺术进校园系列活动的帷幕。 中央音乐学院建于1950年,是目前全国艺术院校中唯一的一所国家重点高校和“211工程”建设学校,是一所能代表中国专业音乐教育水平、专业设置比较齐全的在国内外享有很高声誉的音乐学府。建校几十年来,学院师生在国内外各种音乐比赛中屡屡获奖,据统计自建院以来,在国际各类音乐比赛中获奖440人次,在国内各类音乐比赛中获奖1593人次,音乐作品在国际、国内比赛中获奖295人次。 此次中央音乐学院派出了与我校学子同龄的青年音乐才俊组成的演出团来校演出,他们个个音乐素养深厚,演奏技艺精妙,曾在国内各类音乐比赛中获奖,将荟萃西方乐坛的经典代表作品,展现高雅艺术深厚内涵和无穷魅力,奉献给广大师生,古典与现代结合,通俗与高雅共赏,激情与理趣相融,如著名的《圣曲》《天鹅》《爱的罗曼史》《肖斯塔科维奇奏鸣曲》《思乡曲》《门德尔松钢琴奏鸣曲》《黑键》《匈牙利舞曲》《爵士舞曲》《无穷动》《遗忘》《午夜激情》《回家》等等,为便于听众理解和欣赏,每个节目演出前,主持人将对演奏乐器和乐曲作精彩讲解。 青年优秀歌手还将穿插演唱多首优美动听的中外民歌作品。 活力四射的专业音乐才子的精彩献艺将会令广大师生度过又一个欢乐美好的夜晚。 本次演出,学校将以更为优惠的票价(每票5元),使大家领略到高雅音乐的神韵! 只演一场,机会难得! 演出时间:5月12日(周五)晚7:30时 演出地点:玉泉路园区礼堂 请同学们到各院系购票。 中关村同学于当日晚6:10时乘车前往。 学生处、团委 二〇〇六年五月九日

因教学工作需要,中国科学院武汉教育基地现招聘英语外籍教师一名,要求如下:   1、来自英语母语国家; 2、本科学历以上,有一定教学工作经验; 3、年龄一般不超过55周岁,男女不限。 衷心欢迎您加入中国科学院武汉教育基地! 有意者请垂询: 电话: 0086-27-87198587 传真:0086-27-87198261 电子邮件:该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。 Wuhan Education Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences Wanted for Foreign English Teacher Wuhan Education Center, one of the five regional education centers of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), was established in February 2000 as a result of the education system reform in China Academy of Sciences. It is located in Wuchang District, Hubei province. Beside it is the beautiful scenic spot --- East Lake, and to the north of it is the picturesque hill--- Xiaohongshan. The total area of the campus is 300,000m2 Wuhan Education Center is the result of reorganization of Wuhan Branch of CAS which has a history of more than 20 years in the development of postgraduate education, Wuhan Institute of Hydrobiology, Wuhan Institute of Virology,Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics,Wuhan Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Wuhan Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics, Wuhan Botanical Garden, and Wuhan Library of CAS . Based on those education capabilities the center plays a leading role in the CAS postgraduate education reform by putting all the resources together, taking advantage of its superiorities, and developing its education scale and modern education models. The center has 10 first-class and 20 second-class disciplines that include life science, physics, mathematics, natural resources and environment, mechanics, and engineering application. It is authorized to confer 13 PhD degree programs and 20 master degree programs. There are 4 post-doctoral mobile stations, 9 key laboratories and engineering centers for scientific research both at state level and academy level. Most of the equipment in the labs is advanced. The center has a large group of world-famous and national famous academic experts in which over 100 are doctoral supervisors, 180 master supervisors and 8 are academicians of China Academy of Sciences and China Academy of Engineering. They are working hard in the frontier of international scientific research and trying to pass on the knowledge and technology to the young generations. The number of students they are developing has reached 1, 238, including 557 doctoral students and 681 graduate students up till September 2005. Our requirements for the teaching experts are as follows:   1.favoring the People’s Republic of China; abiding the national laws of People’s Republic of China and local laws as well as regulations in Wuhan. 2.with good health conditions. 3.under the age of 55. 4.with a Bachelor’s degree of art and teaching experience of English as a foreign language 5.a native speaker of English Our offer will be— 1.a monthly salary between 3500-5000 RMB; 2.round-trip ticket for a yearly international travel; 3.2200 RMB as the travel expense inside China every winter vacation; 4.an apartment during the course of teaching. The workload will be as follows: 1.usually one or two academy years; 2.mainly teaching the English courses (speaking and writing) for Ph.D. postgraduate students; 3.12 hours of teaching every week. (16 teaching periods, 45 minutes a period) Those who are interested in the position, please send your CV to the following e-mail address. Ms Jinjing No.1 Xiaohongshan, Wuhan Hubei 430071, China E-mail: 该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。 Tel: 0086-27-87198587 Fax: 0086-27-87198261