中国梦 青春行



主讲人:潘云唐(中国科学院研究生院 教授、中国古生物学会 第七届理事、中国科学普及作家协会 常务理事、中华教育艺术研究会 副总干事长)




此次报告由中国科学院学部、中国科学院大学、北京市海淀区人民政府主办,中国科学院大学国际学院、中国科学院学部科学文化传播办公室和中国科学院行管局科学文化传播中心承办。中国科学院“爱因斯坦讲席教授”、美国明尼苏达大学教授裴有康(David Y. H. Pui),曾荣获国际气溶胶学界最高奖--Fuchs Memorial Award,在气溶胶及过滤技术领域享有盛名。他还担任LM Fingerson/TSI Inc公司机械工程主席,兼任《纳米颗粒研究(Journal of Nanoparticle Research)》和《颗粒与颗粒物系统性质(Particle and Particle System Characterization )》杂志主编。

报告题目:An Integrative Approach to the Study of PM2.5 Pollutants(PM2.5污染物的综合研究方法—原理、检测、来源、影响和过滤减排)




David Y. H. Pui

Mechanical Engineering Department

University of Minnesota

David Y.H. Pui received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering in 1976.  He became a full professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Minnesota in 1992.  He received the title of the Distinguished McKnight University Professor in 1999, and the LM Fingerson/TSI Inc Chair in Mechanical Engineering in 2002.  He has published more than 220 refereed journal papers and received 20 patents.

Prof. Pui’s research has focused on industrial applications of the aerosol technology, and on developing instrumentation and experimental techniques for aerosol measurements.  He has also made seminal contributions on the fundamental topics of aerosol charging and neutralization, of filtration mechanisms, and of aerosol sampling, transport and deposition.  His research has resulted in the development of ten widely used commercial aerosol instruments and of a nanobiotechnology start-up company, Nanocopoeia, Inc.

Prof. Pui is the Director of the Center for Filtration Research (CFR) at the University of Minnesota.  Fifteen companies have funded CFR research since 1991.  Currently there are thirteen major filter manufacturers and end users supporting the filtration research, including 3M, Boeing, Cummins, Donaldson, Entegris, Ford Motor Company, W.L. Gore, Hollingsworth & Vose, Mann+Hummel, MSP Corp, Samsung Electronics, Shigematsu, and TSI, Inc.  Many fundamental and applied filtration research projects have been performed under CFR.

He is also known for his development of the mobility classification technique for producing monodisperse aerosols of known size and concentration for instrument calibrations and fundamental research.  This early particle standardization work was the basis of his collaboration with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in developing 60 nm and 100 nm nanoparticle SRM, and two ISO standards on nanoparticle size distribution and concentration determinations.

Prof. Pui served as President of International Aerosol Research Assembly (IARA) during 2006-10, consisting of 16 international aerosol associations, and was president of American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR) during 2000-01.  During the IARA years, Pui was instrumental in setting up the “Aerosol Pioneers” biographies at the IARA website (  He was chair or co-chair of many national and international conferences. The International Aerosol Conference (IAC2006) in St. Paul, Minnesota, attracted 1,250 aerosol scientists from around the world, and was the largest aerosol gathering then.

Dr. Pui is a fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and an inaugural fellow of the American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR), and is a recipient of the Smoluchowski Award (1992), the Max Planck Research Award (1993), the International Aerosol Fellow Award (1998), the Humboldt Research Award for Senior U.S. Scientists (2000), and the David Sinclair Award for Senior Scientists (2002).  He received the Fuchs Memorial Award at the International Aerosol Conference (IAC-2010) in Helsinki, conferred jointly by the American, German and Japanese aerosol associations.  The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) conferred him an Einstein Professorship in 2013.  He was Director of the China Center at the University of Minnesota (1994-98) to promote exchanges with Chinese academic institutions.  The International Aerosol Research Assembly (IARA) established an International Collaboration Award named after Professors Pui and Fissan.  He is Director of the long running Minnesota Short Course on Aerosol and Particle Measurement (, attended by more than 2,200 practitioners from industry and government agencies.