吊唁 SASAKI Chikara 佐佐木力

  • SASAKI Chikara 佐佐木力 (SASAKI Chikara 佐佐木力)
  • 创建于 2013-06-11
  • 935

Dear Chinese colleagues:
       I was terribly sad to have known Prof. Hu Xinhe’s passing away.  We had been close friends since September 2001 when we met in Hangzhou 杭州and 普陀山.His office is located just in front of mine, and we talked very frequently.  His ideal was to make the Department of History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences a brand institution, possibly the top department.  He told me that this would be possible because the department now has not simply him but me, historian of science. He made an excellent Chinese translation of my teacher Kuhn’s “Structure of Scientific Revolutions.”  And recently he was quite busy with organizing final oral examinations for his excellent Ph. D. students.   On the day after his death I had to work to substitute for him as an examiner for students for Ph. D. degree.  I have made up my mind of making every effort on behalf of him, for our Department of History and Philosophy of Science of the University of CAS, and for the “Journal of Dialectics of Nature.” All the best,
                                                                                                              SASAKI Chikara  佐佐木 力
                                                                          Professor of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, formerly University of Tokyo.


责任编辑:SASAKI Chikara 佐佐木力