7月1日:生命学院学术报告:Discordant memory B cell and circulating anti-Env antibody responses in HIV-1 infection——From B cell to monoclonal antibody

  • 生命科学学院 (生命科学学院)
  • 创建于 2009-06-30
  • 1780
时  间:2009年7月1日(星期三)10:20-11:30
地  点:教学楼 714教室
 目:Discordant memory B cell and circulating anti-Env antibody responses in HIV-1 infection——From B cell to monoclonal antibody
主讲人Yongjun Guan, Ph.D.,Assistant Professor,
Institute of Human Virology, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Maryland School of Medicine
Long-lived memory B cells (BMem) are an archive of past antibody (Ab) responses that persists for much of the host lifespan. By contrast, circulating antibodies typically decline once the immunogen is cleared. This raises the possibility that the BMem pool might provide a more accurate picture of discrete antibody specificities that arise and decline during the course of an antibody response. This could be especially important for correlating antibody specificity with protective immunity in infectious diseases such as AIDS. By studying Ab and BMem of HIV-1 infected individuals who naturally suppress HIV-1 without therapy (NVS), we found high frequencies of BMem specific for CD4 induced (CD4i) or CD4 binding site (CD4bs) epitopes of gp120 that were discordant with contemporaneous plasma antibody responses to these epitopes. These data suggest that plasma Ab responses can underestimate the breadth of humoral immunity and that analyses of BMem should be included in studies correlating antibody specificity with protective immunity to HIV-1. A novel technique for rapid selectively cloning human monoclonal antibody (mAb) from BMem was developed to study the Ab responses in NVS and 50 novel human mAbs against HIV-1 gp120 were obtained.


Education & Employment History

2007 - present  Faculty Research Associate, 2009 Assistant Professor, Institute of Human Virology, University of Maryland School of Medicine

2004 – 2007    Faculty Research Associate, Institute of Human Virology, UMBI, Baltimore, MD, USA

2001 - 2004    Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Dept. of Microbiology, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada

19941998    Research Associate, Lab. of Tumor Viruses and AIDS, Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, Beijing, China

1998 – 2001  Postdoctoral Fellow, McGill University AIDS Center, Lady Davis Institute-Jewish General Hospital, Montreal, QC, Canada

1998   Ph.D. in Immunology, Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, Beijing, China

1989  B. S. in Bioengineering, 1993 M. S. in Molecular Biology,Dept. of Biology, Nankai University, Tianjin, China



