
  • 牛向红 (生命科学学院)
  • 创建于 2014-09-15
  • 544
Frederick M. Ausubel
Frederick M. Ausubel

时  间:2014年9月19日(星期五)15:00—17:00

地  点:教学楼715教室

题 目:Using the Nematode C. elegans to Identify Immune-Enhancing and Virulence-Blocking Compounds

主讲人:Frederick M. Ausubel

美国科学院院士        美国微生物科学院院士

哈佛医学院遗传学教授  麻省总医院分子生物学教授



•    担任Journal of Bacteriology, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions (主编),  Annual Review of Genetics,   Current Biology, Genes to Cells , Current Opinion in Plant Biology, Genome Biology等期刊编委.

•    红宝书-精编分子生物学指南(Current Protocols in Molecular Biology)主编

•    多个国际组织的评审委员会成员(Sainsbury Laboratory Review Committee, Harvard University Milton Fund, North American Arabidopsis Steering Committee, Boyce Thompson Institute Review Committee)

•    培养了69位博士后,包括三位美国科学院院士和一位英国皇家院士.


Our group has pioneered the development of pathogenesis systems that involve the infection of the well-studied nematode Caenorhabditis elegans with a variety of human pathogens. One of our overall goals is to elucidate innate immune signaling pathways in C. elegans and to determine which aspects of the innate immune response are conserved in metazoans.  Related work in our laboratory and the subject of this lecture concerns the identification and characterization of low molecular weight compounds that specifically activate C. elegans immune signaling pathways or block pathogen virulence.  Specifically, our laboratory pioneered and assembled an automated C. elegans sample preparation pipeline to enable high-throughput chemical screens using whole C. elegans animals in 384 well plates. The screening assay is based on the use of the fluorescent dye Sytox Orange, which only stains dead worms, and automated image analysis. Our laboratory has used this automated screening pipeline to screen ~220,000 synthetic compounds for ones that block the killing of worms infected with Pseudomoans aeruginosa, Enterococcus faecalis, or Staphylococcus aureus.




