
  • 戴至修 (研究生记者团)
  • 创建于 2009-10-18
  • 1049
MARY ALBERT is a snow and ice researcher and professor of engineering at Dartmouth College, New Hampshire. She led the US National Academy of Sciences/Polar Research Board planning effort for the IPY from 2003-2005 and was US lead scientist on the Norwegian-US Traverse of East Antarctica. She now heads the NSF-supported Ice Core Drilling Science Program Office.
BOB BINDSCHADLER is a "satellite glaciologist" at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. He headed the NSF-supported Pine Island Glacier research project in 2007-8 which is continuing this year and next. He was a member of the international planning committee for the IPY, and was part of the US-China Polar Science Summit organized by the George Bush Presidential Library, Texas A&M University and NSF in 2007. 
GEORGE DIVOKY is a bird researcher who traveled north - today, in fact - to Cooper Island Alaska to continue his 35-year study of guillemots, birds whose ever-earlier nesting behavior over the decades provides a natural experiment documenting climate change. Assuming he avoids polar bear attacks (!), we hope he will be with us in China: he has wonderful stories about both wildlife and changing climate.
