为增进与考生的互动,中科院计算与通信学院定于2007年5月26日举行开放交流日活动。让考生对“中科院IT领域工程硕士”及“软件科技理学硕士”获得充分了解,并能结合自己情况进行正确报名。 欢迎有意在职攻读硕士的IT人士咨询交流,欢迎推荐同学、朋友、同事一起参加。 活动时间:2007年5月26日(星期六)下午2:00~4:00 活动地点:中国科学院研究生院 玉泉路园区(地铁一号线玉泉路站A口即到) 教学楼一层 阶一(1)教室(进学校南门东侧第一栋白楼一层) 报考领域: IT领域工程硕士: 软件工程、电子与通信工程、计算机技术、控制工程 集成电路工程 软件科技理学硕士:与香港理工大学联合招生培养 活动安排:  中科院IT领域工程硕士、软件科技理学硕士情况介绍  中科院研究生院计算与通信工程学院培养情况介绍  考生问答与咨询  准备好的考生可以进行资格审查及考前辅导报名(本部分内容详情参见网站http://ccce.gucas.ac.cn 招生中心资格审查及考前辅导详情) 备注:2007年6月16日、7月14日下午将举行大型招生咨询会,请关注! 咨询与联系: 中国科学院研究生院计算与通信工程学院 联系电话:010-88256568 88259429 88256599 电子邮件:该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。 招生网站:http://ccce.gucas.ac.cn 联系地址:中国北京玉泉路19号甲(一线地铁玉泉路站下车出A口即到) 邮政编码:100049

题 目:The Importance of Basic Research 演讲人:澳大利亚国立大学校长Ian Chubb AC教授 时 间:5月25日(星期五)下午2:50—4:00 地 点:中科院研究生院玉泉路园区礼堂二层报告厅 In addition to Vice-Chancellor and president of the Australian National University, Chubb has served in various capacities on a number of peak bodies -- Higher Education Council and the National Board of Employment, Education and Training, the National Committee for Quality in Higher Education, as well as a Ministerial Task Force and the Prime Minister’s Science, Engineering and Innovation Council. In 2006, Professor Chubb was elected the President of the International Alliance of Research Universities (IARU) for a two-year term. Long a believer in the value of public education, Chubb has been influential in the sphere of higher education for two decades. He is widely quoted as an authority on higher education in the media and is in much demand nationally and internationally as a speaker in higher education meetings and conferences. 主办单位:国际合作处

应我校邀请,在国内外舞蹈界享有盛誉的北京舞蹈学院将派出青年学子演出团队为广大师生奉献“舞动经典”芭蕾舞、中国古典舞经典作品欣赏晚会,为我校高雅艺术进校园展现一道靓丽的艺术风景线。 北京舞蹈学院是我国舞蹈教育的最高学府,是世界上较大的专业舞蹈教育机构,建校50多年来为中国乃至世界培养了一大批顶尖的舞蹈表演和创作者,用婀娜的舞姿谱写了无数至纯至美的艺术篇章,近年来创作的舞剧、舞蹈作品数量之多、质量之高,引起国内外瞩目并获得高度评价。凭借广泛的对外文化交流活动和在各类国际舞蹈比赛中获得的优异成绩,学院已成为具有世界影响力的舞蹈院校,被人们誉为“舞蹈家摇篮”。 此次北京舞蹈学院派出了芭蕾舞系、中国古典舞系青年舞蹈新秀组成的演出团来校演出,他们从全国各地精心挑选,经过严格系统舞蹈训练,个个基本功扎实,舞蹈素养深厚,极具舞蹈天赋,曾在国际、国内各类舞蹈比赛中获奖,亦曾出国巡演。此次演出将荟萃芭蕾舞、中国古典舞的代表作品于一炉,如:芭蕾舞《堂吉珂德》、《威尼斯狂欢节》、《天鹅湖—四小天鹅》、《海盗》、《巴黎火焰》、《三极眩目》、《First Step》和中国古典舞《挽扇仕女》、《谢公屐》、《戍卒乐》、《抢鼓》、《踏歌》、《玉兔浑脱》等,以多种舞蹈形式(双人舞、三人舞、四人舞、群舞等),展现芭蕾舞、中国古典舞蹈的独具风采和高雅艺术的无穷魅力,奉献给广大师生。为便于观众理解和欣赏,每个节目演出前,还将作精彩的专业讲解。 激情火爆的专业舞蹈新秀的精彩献艺将会令广大师生度过欢乐美好的夜晚。 演出时间:5月23日(周三)、24日(周四)晚7:15时 演出地点:玉泉路园区礼堂 请同学们到各院系购票(每票5元)。 中关村、玉泉路园区食堂门前也有售票。 中关村同学于当日晚5:50时乘车前往。 学生处、团委 二〇〇七年五月十七日

主 题:科技产业化:新西兰奥克兰大学的成经验历 演讲人:新西兰奥克兰大学校办企业国际合作总经理Ian Maxwell博士 时 间:5月25日(周五)上午10:10-11:40 地 点:研究生院玉泉路园区办公楼第一会议室 主 持:苏 刚 教务长 请各院、系及实验室负责人、科研人员准时与会;欢迎全校师生员工与会交流。副处、副高以上除正常工作外务必参加。 联系人:贾宝余(88256363) 研究生院文化建设委员办公室 2007年5月16日 嘉宾简历: Dr Ian Maxwell, who was born in New Zealand, is a graduate of Victoria University, New Zealand and the Australian National University, Australia. He has enjoyed a 25 year career with Shell International in both Europe and the US involving technology and new business development at the senior executive level. This also included developing research collaborations with top European Universities. He has some 80 publications in the fields of chemistry, catalysis and technology commercialization as well as 25 patents. He was also the founder and CEO of two successful high throughput technology start-up companies now based in the Netherlands. A total of $NZ 100 million was raised in Venture Capital from European and US investors to launch these new companies. In late 2003 he returned to New Zealand and joined Auckland UniServices Ltd, the commercial arm of the University of Auckland as General Manager Special Projects and External Relations. He is currently primarily focused on supporting the International growth strategy of UniServices.


时间:2007年5月18日(星期五)14:00 - 16:00



主讲人:孙力 博士,我院特聘教授,P&G公司全球非处方药、保健品临床部、保健品技术发展部主任


    LI SUN


Technical & Management : Strong technical competence balanced with sound business sense. Led multi functional teams and managed a number of regional and global R&D projects across multi categories such as beauty care and health care. Developed & introduced several products into market. Strategic Thinking & Problem Solving: Built strategic alliances in China . Managed comprehensive R&D collaboration and technology acquisition program in China. Effective Communication & Relation Building : Excellent interpersonal and social skills. Communicate & work effectively with multi functional teams both internally and externally. Have track record in building and leveraging relations with academic, professional and governmental agencies. Organization Development : Built and led high performance project teams, including recruiting and training young scientists into the company. International Working Experience : Have considerable experience in international assignments. Have the ability, knowledge and experience to operate equally and effectively in Western and Eastern Cultures (native in Chinese, completely fluent in English).


Ph.D. in Microbiology (1992), King's College London, UK. Research: Dynamics of plasmid exchange in continuous-flow systems and mathematical mode l ling.

B.Sc., Botany (Honours, 1982 ), Zhongshan (Dr. San Yatsen) University, Guangzhou , China .


3. 2000 – present    Senior Scientist & Project Leader, Health Care Research Center, Procter & Gamble (P&G), Ohio, U.S. Supervise and manage multi-functional project teams to develop novel drugs and products for treatment and/or prevention of respiratory and obesity diseases. Have considerable experience and knowledge in all aspects of product research and development, including drug discovery, technology evaluation and development, consumer & clinical studies, technical market support.

Work with several task force groups in the company to improve productivity, collaboration and culture of Health Care organization.

12. 1998 - 2. 2000    Senior Scientist/Manager, Research and Development Technical Center, P&G Far East Inc., Kobe, Japan . As a key player of global corporate R&D division, led a team to establish research & development collaboration, acquisition and new business development program in the Greater China region. This included identification and evaluation of advancement in sciences & technology, building strategic alliances in China. Managed a number of collaboration projects, covering multi categories and a wide range of scales. Built effective network and relation with a wide range of academic and professional institutions, and governmental organizations in China .

主办:中国科学院研究生院生物系(Tel. 88256079)