主讲人: Dr. Ivar Jacobson
时 间: 2005年11月23日周三晚上19:00-21:00
地 点: 中关村S101教室
伊万-雅各布森(Ivar Jacobson)博士被公认是深刻影响或改变了整个软件工业开发模式的几位世界级大师之一,是软件方法论的一面“旗帜”。 他是组件和组件架构,用例,现代业务工程,Rational统一过程等业界主流方法/技术的创始人。伊万-雅各布森博士与Grady Booch和James Rumbaugh一道共同创建了UML建模语言。伊万-雅各布森博士在使用对象方法设计大型实时系统方面有超过25年的实践经验,在大规模架构重用方面也取得了世界领先的成果。伊万-雅各布森博士曾历任爱立信公司的首席软件体系架构师,瑞典Objectory AB公司的创始人,美国Rational(瑞理)公司的副总裁。伊万-雅各布森博士还定期在OOPSLA、ECOOP 和 TOOLS 等委员会工作,并担任Object-Oriented Programming期刊的顾问团成员。伊万-雅各布森博士主要论著有《UML用户指南》、《统一软件开发过程》、《UML参考手册》、《统一软件开发过程之路》、《软件复用:结构、过程和组织 》、《面向对象的软件工程―一种用例驱动方法》(获1992年计算机语言类劳动生产力大奖)、《对象的优势―采用对象技术的业务过程再工程》,《面向方面的软件开发》等,其中前5本已经在中国翻译出版,他的关于主动软件的专著也将马上出版。
It is time for a Next Generation Process
Where is modern software development going? We have moved from a 'no-process’ time to a 'process’ time. Today process is on every developer’s and every manager’s lips. Process advocates come from several different camps: the unified process camp, the agile methods camp, the process maturity camp. Each one of them contributes different capabilities: structure, agility and maturity (measure and improve) respectively. However, we don’t want too much of any one of them. A Next Generation Process will stand on the shoulders of all of these practices. It will take a step farther, it won’t be just agile; it will be smart. It will be very rich, much richer than any variant of the Unified Process available today. However, you will only get what you need, when you need it. We will move from a 'process’ time to an 'invisible process’ time, a time when we don’t talk specifically about process but take it as a given. This talk promises to explore the outer limits of software development.