



报告题目:Mapping crustal thickness and Poisson's ratio across China using receiver function data of the densely distributed CNDSN stations (用分布密集的中国国家数字地震台网观测站的接收函数数据绘制中国的地壳厚度和泊松比
报 告 人: 陈友麟 博士
Senior Geophysist / Array Information Technology, Inc.



报告人:Byron Newberry

题目:From Katrina to Isaac: Socio-Technical Challenges with the New Orleans' Hurricane Protection System

内容简介:Hurricane Katrina was one of the worst combined natural/technological disasters in United States history. Failures within New Orleans¹ engineered hurricane protection system (levees and flood walls) contributed to the severity of the event and drew considerable public attention. The system was again in the spotlight with the passage of Hurricane Isaac through the New Orleans area in 2012. In this presentation I seek to identify an array of potential pitfalls that can compromise engineering projects, particularly large socio-technical ones. I frame these issues, using illustrative examples taken from Katrina, in a way that might be of benefit in the philosophical and sociological study of socio-technical systems, engineering design, engineering ethics, and the societal context of engineered systems. Issues to be discussed include problems of unanticipated failure modes, faulty assumptions, lack or misuse of information, the importance of resiliency, the effects of time, balancing competing interests, attending to the details of interfaces, the fickleness of risk perception, and how the past constrains the present. I will also discuss some of the changes and improvements that have been made since Katrina, along with what we know of their performance during Hurricane Isaac.



讲座嘉宾:李绍杰 先生

时间:2012年11月6日(星期二)   14:00






报告人:Prof. Suzanne Moon

题目:Building from the Outside: Sociotechnical Imaginaries in New Order Indonesia

内容简介:Using the concept of the sociotechnical imaginary, this talk will examine the ways that engineer/social activists used technology to respond to social problems in New Order Indonesia in the 1970s and 1980s.  The New Order became famous both for the economic decisions that produced a dramatic uptick in Indonesian industrialization and infrastructure from the 1970s,  and Suharto's leadership, which fostered corruption that tended to reinforce highly centralized models of organization. This talk will explore the other side of development in Indonesia: small-scale technological projects that attempted to operate according to a different social logic than that which operated in large New Order industries.  These projects aimed to redirect development practices and priorities in pragmatic and material ways, to create a material alternative to New Order developmentalism.  Hasan Poerbo, the lead architect of these projects, employed a sociotechnical imaginary that emphasized the importance of distributive economic justice and the wide participation of the poor in fundamental technological activities essential to the smooth operation of cities, like construction and sanitation. Projects like Poerbo's aimed to make distributive justice both central and practical in Indonesia's development.