














报告题目: Recent development of synchrotron radiation based x-ray dark-field imaging for early diagnosis of breast and rheumatoid arthrit


报 告 人:Masami Ando 安藤正海(RIST, Tokyo University of Science

主 持 人:姜晓明 研究员

时 间:12月21日(周二)下午2:00

地 点:高能所化学楼三楼阶梯教室


    Using a broad band, high parallelity and extremely high brilliance of synchrotron radiation x-rays a variety of medical imaging has been proposed. Two types of x-ray imaging systems using an angle analyzer (AA)crystal are popular now; one uses a Bragg type AA that was first proposed by Chapman et al who gave a name diffraction-enhanced imaging (DEI) ; the second one using a Laue type AA (LAA) was proposed by Ingal et al and by Chapman et al. In the Laue optics the condition of LAA thickness to produce a condition of x-ray dark-field imaging (DFI) was given. If a certain thickness of LAA was chosen the intensity of forward diffraction (FD) becomes zero at the just Bragg angle if LAA receives plane wave.

    In 2000-2006 three papers of DEI-based CT (DEI-CT) imaging were presented. Later the concept of refraction-based tomosynthesis for sliced images was presented. At long last algorithm for DFI-based CT (DFI-CT) was proposed.

    As a result we can say that a technique to visualize soft tissue for clinical and pathological diagnosis such as breast cancer and articular cartilage ex vivo is now ready with DFI, so that a variety of breast cancers and articular cartilage are under imaging. Furthermore this technique will be potentially extendable to all other cancers. All details including a potential prospect for clinical and pathological use will be presented in the seminar.


    Prof. Masami Ando is faculty of Research Institute for Science and Technology at Tokyo University of Science. He gained Doctor Degree of Engineering from University of Tokyo in 1974. And he got several Prizes during his research, including the prize from the Medical Imaging Society on "Development of K-edge Energy Subtraction TV System and Experiments" in 1993; Tsukuba Prize on "First Human Clinical Application of Angiography Using 2D Synchrotron Radiation" in 1997; Special Award from Horiba Co. Ltd. on “System Development for Early Diagnosis of Breast Cancer” in 2006. His research interest is the development of X-Ray Dark-Field Imaging for Clinical Use.












主讲嘉宾:欧阳自远 中国月球探测工程首席科学家、中国科学院院士

欧阳自远   国内外著名的天体化学与地球化学家,中国月球探测工程首席科学家,中国科学院院士、第三世界科学院院士,国际宇航科学院院士。现任国家天文台高级顾问。他系统开展各类地外物质、月球科学、比较行星学和天体化学研究,是我国天体化学领域的开创者,先后荣获全国科学大会奖、国家自然科学奖和中国科学院科技进步奖等。


   地    点:中国科学院国家科学图书馆报告厅(中关村北四环西路33)

   主办单位:中国科学院国家科学图书馆 中国科学院青年联合会 中国科学院团委        


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