
  • 计算与通信工程学院 (计算与通信工程学院)
  • 创建于 2007-10-11
  • 3169
在高性能计算领域,该事业部从事Windows Computer Cluster Server 的用户界面,高性能计算工具和可编程性的开发;在系统配置管理领域,主要负责 System Center Configuration Manager 2007 界面的实现和改进,以及关键模块的测试;在数据平台领域,致力于通过 SQL Server 等产品的研发推进在数据可编程性、商业智能、管理工具以及其他尖端领域的创新;在企业安全与访问领域,通过 Microsoft Forefront 系列产品以提供企业环境下的信息保护和安全管理。此外,相关的研发工作还涉及了在互联系统领域的 .Net Framework;中小型企业服务器领域的 Windows Home Server, Windows Small Business Server 和 Windows Mid-Market Server;以及在开发工具领域的 Visual Studio 系列产品等。
此次讲座将由微软资深专家David Campbell先生,就微软服务器与工具发展及其在中国发展方向进行介绍。席间,将通过充分互动与在场观众进行交流探讨。
David Campbell
Professional Biography
David Campbell is the General Manager of Strategy, Infrastructure and Architecture of Microsoft SQL Server.
David graduated with a Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering (Robotics) from Clarkson University in 1984 and began working on robotic workcells for Sanders Associates – later a division of Lockheed Corporation. In 1990 he joined Digital Equipment Corporation where he worked on their Codasyl database product DEC DBMS as well as their relational database product; Rdb.
Upon joining Microsoft in 1994, David was a developer and architect on the SQL Server Storage Engine team that was principally responsible for rewriting the core engine of SQL Server for SQL Server Version 7.0.
David holds several patents in the data management, schema and software quality realms. He is a frequent speaker at industry and research conferences on a wide variety of data management and software development topics.
