1月25日:科技创新论坛(181)Status and Progress of the J-PARC & Accelerator Activities in SLAC

  • 林国明 (国科大记者团)
  • 创建于 2013-01-22
  • 362

报告题目:1. Status and Progress of the J-PARC

                          2. Accelerator Activities in SLAC


                      Jeff CorbettSLAC)

  人:秦庆 研究员





Status and Progress of the J-PARC






The J-PARC rapid cycling synchrotron (RCS) has been delivered 300kW beam to both the MLF and the MR with high reliability and small beam loss for user operation. To realize simultaneously two kinds of beam shape which are required from the MLF and the MR, two pulse dipole magnets for injection painting were installed in the beam transport line from the Linac to the RCS. It was successful to make two kinds of beam shape with injection painting bump magnets and these added pulse dipole magnets. This injection painting system is used for user operation and works well for reduction of beam losses. Not only user operation but also high power beam test was performed, and beam power of 524kW for 35 second was achieved with low beam loss in the RCS. Almost all beam loss was localized at the ring collimator and the loss rate was about 2% and this was acceptable because design value of the beam loss was 3%. This power corresponds to 1.8MW for 400MeV injection in terms of the Lasslett tune shift. In this high-intensity trial, significant progress toward design output beam power of 1 MW was demonstrated. The status and progress of the RCS in J-PARC are presented.


Accelerator Activities in SLAC

Jeff Corbett, SLAC

Accelerator activities in SLAC are described in this report.




Kazuo HASEGAWA:日本JAEA加速器专家,日本J-PARC加速器负责人,IPAC13科学程序委员会委员。

  Jeff Corbett:美国SLAC加速器专家,IPAC13科学程序委员会主席,IPAC13科学程序委员会委员。

