








报告人:Prof. G.F. Bignami 

主持人:张双南 研究员





It all started 50 years ago, as soon as space astronomy came of age. X-ray astronomy started in 1962, with the first detection of an extrasolar X-ray source, ScoX-1. The first gamma-ray map of the sky, produced by OSO-3, was published in 1972 when the SAS-2 satellite was launched.

Now are are living through a golden age of high-energy astrophysics with a very successful series of X-and gamma-ray observatories operational in orbit. The accomplishements of XMM-Newton, Chandra, Integral, Swift, Agile and Fermi will be highlighted with special enphasis on the recent results on Neutron Stars (NSs)

NSs emit the vast majority of their energy in gamma-rays, more so than in X-rays. Not only that: after the first case of Geminga, the Fermi Observatory is telling us  that many, maybe the majority, of NSs in our Galaxy emit only in gamma-rays and are invisible at other wavelengths. Such a high-energy revolution will lead us to the understanding of NS physics. 



G.F. Bignami is a well-known professor of Astronomy, Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori, Pavia, and an Associate Scientist, INAF, Milan, Italy. He is the current president of COSPAR, the largest international organization on space research. 2003-2007: Director of the Centre d’Etude Spatiale des Rayonnements, an “Unitè Mixte de Recherche” of the French CNRS and of the University of Toulouse. 2004-2007: Chair of ESA’s Space Science Advisory Committee.

2007-2009: President of the Italian Space Agency.

2009-now: President of the Scientific Council of the “Groupment d’Interet Scientifique” called “Physique des deuxInfinis”, composed by 19 astronomy and physics Institutes in the Ile de France region around Paris.





报告题目:The Dark Side of the Universe

报 告 人:Edward W. Kolb(University of Chicago)

主 持 人:王贻芳所长

时 间:2012年9月4(周二)下午3:00

地 点:高能所主楼C305会议室



Ninety-five percent of the universe is missing!  Astronomical observations suggest that most of the mass of the universe is in a mysterious form called dark matter and most of the energy in the universe is in an even more mysterious form called dark energy. Unlocking the secrets of dark matter and dark energy will illuminate the nature of space and time and connect the quantum with the cosmos.



Edward W. Kolb, usually known as Rocky Kolb, is a cosmologist and a professor at the University of Chicago. He has worked on many aspects of the big bang cosmology, including baryogenesis, nucleosynthesis and dark matter. He is author, with Michael Turner, of the popular textbook The Early Universe (Addison-Wesley, 1990). Additionally, alongside his co-author Michael Turner, Kolb was awarded the 2010 Dannie Heineman Prize for Astrophysics.




6th International Conference on Nanotoxicology

September 4-7,2012,Beijing Friendship Hotel, Beijing, China


Nature Nanotechnology session

Nature Nanotechnology currently does not have any formal guidelines or requirements for reporting nanotoxicology papers specifically and we have received feedback from our authors/readers asking for these. Our position is that characterization should be done based on relevance to the study but there are a number of parameters that are quite standard and should be included in all papers. The aim of this 2 hr session, which consists of four speakers, is to consult the community so a formal set of characterization requirements for reporting nanotoxicology papers can be established. Nature Nanotechnology will offer to disseminate this information and/of revise our Guide to Authors. Please join the dialogue.


Data: September 5, 2012

Time: 2:00-4:00 pm

Venue: Room 1, Second Floor, Rui Bin(building No,7), Friendship Hotel



1. Justin Teeguarden, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

2. Michael Winchester, National Institute of standards and Technology

3. Rick Pleus, Intertox Inc. representing ISO/TC 229

4. Hakan Wallin, Editor-in-chief of nanotoxicology


Moderator: Ai Lin Chun, Senior Editor nature Nanotechnology

*please visit poster”0” in conference room2, Ruibin(Building No. 7)for a draft of the Guidelines for reporting Nanotoxicology Research. Comments and feedback welcomed at 该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。 (closing date: November 30, 2012)


This 6th international Conference on Nanotoxicology, September 4-7, 2012, Beijing, China

Contact information: Conference Chair, Prof. Yuliang Zhao; 该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。

Secretary General, Prof. Chunying Chen; 该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。; 该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。


报告题目:The EXO Double-beta Decay Program
报 告 人:Prof. Giorgio Gratta ( Stanford University, USA)
主 持 人:王贻芳 所长
时 间:2012年8月22日(周四)上午10:30
地 点:高能所化学楼三楼阶梯教室

Prof. Giorgio Gratta will present new results from the EXO-200 experiment that has been taking low background data for a first year and plans to run for up to 5 years. EXO-200 discovered the 2 neutrino double-beta decay in 136Xe in the first 2 months of operation and is now attacking the more interesting neutrinoless double beta decay mode.
Prof. Giorgio Gratta will also discuss the R&D for a future, larger detector and the plans towards the construction of such a detector.

Prof. Giorgio Gratta got his PH.D from university of Rome (Italy) in 1986, then was elected as a fellow in Italian Institute for Nuclear Research during 1987-1989, as a research fellow in Caltech during 1989-1992 and as a senior research fellow in Caltech during 1992-1995.Then he was an associate professor in Stanford during 1995-2004 and as a professor in Stanford since 2005.
His research interests are research relevant to the understanding of fundamental particles and interactions. His group is operating the largest double-beta decay experiment in the world (EXO-200) that is producing high sensitivity results on the mass of neutrinos and on the question of whether or not neutrinos are described by a 4-component wave function like all other fermions (neutrinos may be “Majorana” particles, described by 2-component wave functions, instead of Dirac particles.)
Also within the EXO program they are developing a new method to extend the sensitivity of a future experiment. This work involves the identification of the Ba atom produced in the double-beta decay of Xe using AMO techniques.
They also have a program to develop imaging detectors for gamma-ray astronomy as well as novel radiation detectors for application in homeland security and medical physics.