
  • 研究生部 (南京地质研究所)
  • 创建于 2011-07-08
  • 1484
(NIGPAS Short course)
Geochemistry for Palaeontologists and Stratigraphers
主讲人    Graham Shields-Zhou
                     University College London;中科院外籍专家特聘研究员
  间:    2011年8月22号——2011年8月26号
  点:    中科院南京地质古生物研究所图书馆报告厅
Part 1 – Monday (9am – 11.30pm)
An introduction to Geochemistry
       The geologist’s periodic table; the chemical composition of the rocks, oceans and atmosphere; radiogenic isotopes and tracing sources; elemental fluxes, residence times and mass balancing
Part 2 - Tuesday (9am – 11.30pm)
How to interpret carbon isotope excursions
       Stable isotopes; carbon isotope fractionation; isotopic mass balancing; interpreting positive and negative excursions; diagenetic alteration; chemostratigraphy case studies
Part 3 - Wednesday (9am – 11.30pm)
Palaeoclimate records in fossils and sedimentary rocks
       Oxygen isotopes; Tex-86; trace elements; clumped isotopes; case studies
Part 4 - Thursday (9am – 11.30pm)
Chemical tracers of oxygenation and asphyxiation
       Redox-sensitive elements; Fe speciation; Ce anomalies; Mo/TOC, U/Th, I/Ca; case studies
Part 5 - Friday (9am – 11.30pm)
Biogeochemical cycles and nutrient fluxes
       The global phosphorus cycle; the global nitrogen cycle; the long-term carbon cycle; negative feedbacks on oxygen, climate, productivity and carbon burial; case studies from the class
联系人:   Graham Shields-Zhou: g.shields@ucl.ac.uk
朱茂炎:025-83282159; myzhu@nigpas.ac.cn
